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Musings by Amos Nduti  Mbugua

“Since landing in Ireland to further my studies in Finance, I barely can’t find the right words to
describe my happiness. Maybe joyful, jubilant, excited, merry or walking on air. I’m really spoilt
for choice here. It felt like finally the doors of progress and advancement were finally opened
and had passed a life test that thrusted me to a much better place and position in my studies and

Studying a Master’s Degree Program in a Foreign country a few months ago last year felt like
just a dream and the thought of me leaving my home country Kenya for studies abroad had not
fully manifested yet in my mind until my application with The Irish Embassy went through.
While boarding my plane I still couldn’t believe I was leaving a country I had known my entire
life to a country that is many miles away. I kept yelling in my mind,” Is this really happening?”
After many hours of my flight I finally landed at Dublin Airport and that’s where my journey as
an International student started.

After about a few days of rest from the long trip I was finally ready to knock at the doors of the
Institution of my choice to study my Masters in Finance at The National College of Ireland,
situated in the city of Dublin. I stood in front of the building gazing at the enormous building
with the initials NCI embedded on its walls, with my bag loaded with a laptop, note book and

The warm welcoming spirit of the college’s fraternity created an ideal environment for me to
interact with the diverse students from other countries. We introduced ourselves to each other
and knew a little about each other and before you know it we began our studies in great
enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards our course written all over our faces. As I walk
through this journey with my fellow students in Finance and as we familiarize ourselves with
new modules, lecturers and new content of study, what really makes drives us forward is unity
and great respect for each other. We are like sailors sailing together towards a promised land of
success and the willingness to learn from each other.

Not only has my experience in National College of Ireland brought me joy but it’s also an eye
opener. As I ventured the City of Dublin during my free hours, I was able to see great buildings,
others with historical value to the Irish people, great hotels, great supermarkets and a great
experience in the transport system in Ireland. I have interacted with the Irish people and culture
that is amazing and different in many ways from The Kenyan culture. For example the time
keeping culture in Ireland is worth the praise.

In conclusion, even though I have only started my journey as an international student in Masters
in Finance at National College of Ireland, the experience so far is good and great.”

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